Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
Chapter37 Cisco Common Classifi cation Policy Language
Parameter Maps
[\n\f\r\t] (which matches a new line, form feed, return, or a tab)
For example, if you specify [0-9A-Za-z], then this snippet will match any
character from A to Z (uppercase or lowercase) or any digit 0 through 9.
Special character—Inserts a character that requires an escape, including \, ?,
*, +, |, ., [, (, or ^. The escape charact er is the backslash (\), which is
automatically entered when you choose this option.
Whitespace character—Whitespace characters include \n (new line), \f (form
feed), \r (carriage return), or \t (tab).
Three digit octal number—Matches an ASCII character as octal (up to three
digits). For example, the character \040 represents a space. The backslash (\)
is entered automatically.
Two digit hexadecimal number—Matches an ASCII character using
hexadecimal (exactly two digits). The backslash (\) is entered automatically.
Specified character—Enter any single character.
Snippet Preview
Display only. Shows the snippet as it will be entered in the regular expression.
Append Snippet—Adds the snippet to the end of the regular expression.
Append Snippet as Alternate—Adds the snippet to the end of the regular
expression separated by a pipe (|), which matches either expression it
separates. For example, dog|cat matches dog or cat.
Insert Snippet at Cursor—Inserts the snippet at the cursor.
Regular Expression
This area includes regular expression text that you can enter ma nually and build
with snippets. You can then select text in the Regular Expression field and apply
a quantifier to the selection.
Selection Occurrences—Select text in the Regular Expression field, click one
of the following options, and then click Apply to Selection. For example, if
the regular expression is “test me,” and you select “me” and apply One or
more times, then the regular expression changes to “test (me)+”.