Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
Chapter40 More About....
IP Addresses and Subnet Masks
When a network address is displayed in Cisco SDM windows, the IP address and
subnet mask for it may be shown in network address/subnet bits format, as in the
following example:
The network address in this example is The number 24 indicates the
number of subnet bits used. You can think of it as shorthand for the corresponding
subnet mask of
Addresses used on the public Internet must be completely unique for the period
of time they are being used. On private networks, addresses may be unique only
to the private network or subnetwork.
Addresses may also be translated by using schemes such as NAT and PAT, and
they may be temporarily assigned using DHCP. You can use Cisco SDM to
configure NAT, PAT and DHCP.
Host and Network Fields
This topic explains how to supply host or network information in windows that
allow you to specify a network or host address, or a host name.
Specify the network or the host.
One of the following:
A Network—If you select this, provide a network address in the IP address
field. Note that the wildcard mask enables you to enter a network number that
may specify multiple subnets.
A Host Name or IP Address—If you select this, provide a host IP address
or host name in the next field.
Any IP address—The action you specified is to apply to any host or network.