Chapter9 Firewall Policy
Edit Firewall Policy
Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
Step3 Specify the destination zone by clicking the button to the right of the Destination
Zone field and selecting an existing zone or creating a new zone.
Make settings in the other fields of the Add a Rule window. See Add a New Rule
for more information.
Reordering Rules Within a Policy
If a policy contains more than one rule that permi ts traffic, you can reorder them
by selecting a rule and clicking the Move Up button or the Move Down button.
The Move Up button is disabled if you selected a rule that is already at the top of
the list, or if you selected the Unmatched Traffic rule. The Move Down button is
disabled if you selected a rule that is already at the bottom of the list.
You can also use the Cut and the Paste buttons to reorder rules. To remove a rule
from its current position, select it and click Cut. To place the rule in a new
position, select an existing rule, click Paste, and choose Paste or Paste After.
The Move Up, Move Down, Cut, Paste, and Paste After operations are also
available from the context menu displayed when you right-click on a rule.
Copying and Pasting a Rule
Copying and pasting a rule is very useful if one policy contains a rule that can be
used with few or no modifications in another policy.
To copy a rule, select a rule and click the Copy button or right-click the rule and
choose Copy. To paste the rule to a new location, click Paste and choose Paste or
Paste After. The Paste and Paste After buttons are also available from the context
menu. When you paste a rule to a new location, the Add a New Rule dialog is
displayed so you can make changes to the rule if you need to.
Displaying the Rule Flow Diagram
Click anywhere in a firewall policy and click Rule Diagram to display the Rule
Flow Diagram for that policy. The Rule Flow Diagram displays the source zone
on the right of the router icon, and the destination zone on the left of the icon.