Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
Chapter22 SSL VPN Enhancement s
SSL VPN Reference
Add ACL Entry
Add or Edit an ACL entry in this window.
Field Reference
Table22-3 describes the fields in this screen.
Table22-2 Add or Edit SSL VPN Context ACL Fields
Element Description
ACL Name Enter a name for this ACL.
Add To create an entry for this ACL, click Add and create the entry in
the displayed dialog.
Edit To modify an entry, select the entry and click Edit. Then modify it
in the displayed dialog.
Delete To remove an entry from this ACL, select the entry and click Delete.
List Area
Action One of the following:
Permit—Access to the URL in this entry is permitted.
Deny—Access to the URL in this entry is denied.
URL The URL to which this ACL entry controls access.
Action URL Time Range The name of the time range applied to this ACL entry.
Table22-3 Add or Edit SSL VPN Context ACL Entry Fields
Element Description
Action Choose one of the following:
Permit—Allow access to the URL in this entry.
Deny—Deny access to the URL in this entry is denied.
Any To have this ACL entry apply to any URL, click Any.