Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
Chapter27 Cisco IOS IPS
Edit IPS
In this example, the Cisco IOS IPS policy is applied to the FastEthernet 0/0 and
the FastEthernet 0/1 interfaces. The signature file is located on the PC. The config
location is on router flash memory, in a directory named configloc.
Edit IPS
In this window you can view the Cisco IOS IPS buttons for configuring and
managing Cisco IOS IPS policies, security messages, signatures, and more .

IPS Policies Button

Click to display the Edit IPS window, where you can enable or disableCisco IOS
IPS on an interface and view information about how Cisco IOS IPS is applied. If
you enableCisco IOS IPS on an interface, you can optionally specify which traffic
to examine for intrusion.

Global Settings Button

Click to display the Edit IPS: Global Settings window, where you make settings
that affect the overall operation of Cisco IOS IPS.

Auto Update

This button appears if the CiscoIOS image on the router is version 12.4(11)T or
later. Auto Update allows you to configure the router to obtain the latest signature
updates from the Cisco Security Center automatically. Refer to Edit IPS: Auto
Update for more information.

SEAP Configuration

This button appears if the CiscoIOS image on the router is version 12.4(11)T or
later. Signature Event Action Processing (SEAP) gives you greater control over
IOS IPS by providing advanced filtering and overrides.