Chapter27 Cisco IOS IPS
Edit IPS
Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide

Enable fragment checking on other interfaces

If fragment checking is enabled for outbound traffic, the router must examine the
inbound traffic that arrives on the interfaces that send outbound traffic to the
interface being configured. Specify these interfaces below.
If the Inbound radio button is chosen, this area does not appea r.

Specify Signature File

The Specify Signature File box contains information about the SDF version that
the router is using, and enables you to update the SDF to a more recent version.
To specify a new SDF, click the ... button next to the Signature File field and
specify a new file in the displayed dialog.
Edit IPS: Global Settings
This window allows you to view and configure global settings for Cisco IPS. This
help topic describes the information that you may see if the running Cisco IOS
image is earlier than version 12.4(11)T.

Global Settings Table

This table in the Global Settings window displays the current global settings and
their values. Click Edit to change any of these values.
Item Name Item Value
Syslog If enabled, then notifications are sent to the syslog server
specified in System Properties.
SDEE Security Device Event Exchange. If enabled, SDEE events
are generated.
SDEE Events Number of SDEE events to store in the router buffer.
SDEE Subscription Number of concurrent SDEE subscriptions.