Chapter19 Public Key Infrastructure
Import CA certificate
Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
Generate enrollment request
Choose this option if you need to generate an enrollment request for the selected
trustpoint. The router will generate an enrollment request that you can save to the
PC and send to the CA.
Cisco SDM generates a base-64 encoded PKCS#10 enrollment request.
Import CA certificate
If you have the CA server certificate on your hard disk, you can browse for it and
import it to your router in this window. You can also copy and paste the certificate
text into the text area of this win dow.
Browse Button
Click to locate the certificate file on the PC.
Import Router Certificate(s)
If you have one or more certificates for your router granted by t he CA on your
hard disk, you can browse for it and import it to your router.
Import more certificates
If you generated separate RSA key pairs for encryption and signature, you rec eive
two certificates for the router. Use this button when you have more than one router
certificate to import.
Remove certificate
Click the tab for the certificate you need to remove and click Remove certificate.
Browse to locate the certificate and import it to the router.