Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
LEFS low-end file system.
life cycle See expiration date.
LLQ Low Latency Queuing (LLQ) allows delay-sensitive data such as voice to be
dequeued and sent first (before packets in other queues are dequeued), giving
delay-sensitive data preferential treatment over other traffic.
LNS L2TP network server. Device able to terminate L2TP tunnels from a LAC and
able to terminate PPP sessions to remote systems through L2TP data sessions.
local subnet Subnetworks are IP networks arbitrarily segmented by a network administrator
(by means of a subnet mask) in order to provide a multilevel, hierarchical routing
structure while shielding the subnetwork from the addressing complexity of
attached networks. The local subnet is the subnet ass ociated with your end of a
logical interface An interface that has been created solely by configuration, and that is not a
physical interface on the router. Dialer interfaces and tunnel interfaces are
examples of logical interfaces.
loopback In a loopback test, signals are sent and then redirected back toward their source
from some point along the communications path. Loopback tests are often used
to determine network interface usability.
MAC message authentication code. The cryptographic checksum of the me ssage used
to verify message authenticity. See hash.