Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
Chapter38 URL Filtering
URL Filtering Window

Import URL List

This dialog allows you to examine the URL list you are importing from your PC
to the router and specify what you want to do with ea ch entry. If a URL entry in
this dialog is not already present on the router, you can add it to the list on the
router by clicking Append. If a URL entry is already present on the router but you
want to replace it with the entry in this dialog, click Replace.
All boxes in the Import column are checked by default.If there are entries that
you do not want to be sent to the router, uncheck the box next to those entries.If
you want to remove the checks from all the boxes, click Unselect All. Clicking
Select All places checkmarks in all the boxes.
Append adds any checked entry to the URL list that is not already present in the
list If you attempt to add an entry that is already in the URL list, it will not be
added even if the action specified for the domain in the entry is different from the
action that is already in the list.
Use the Replace button to specify a different action for an entry that is already in
the router’s URL list.If the entry you checked is not already in the router’s list,
Replace has no effect.
URL Filter Servers
The router can send HTTP requests to URL filtering servers that are capable of
storing much larger URL lists than the router can store. If the router is configured
with a URL filter server list, the router sends requests that do not match entries in
the local list to the URL filter server it has a connection to, and permits or denies
the request based on the response it receives from the server. When the server that
the router is connected to goes down, the router contacts the next server in the list
until it establishes a connection.
Lists on URL filter servers can be used along with local URL lists. Click URL
Filtering Precedence to learn how the router uses both of these resources.
Click Add, and choose either Secure Computing or Websens e to specify the type
of server that you are adding.
Note Cisco IOS software can only use one type of URL filtering server, and does not
allow you to add a server to the list if it is of a different type. For example, if a
URL filter server list containing Websense servers is configured on the router, you