Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
Chapter42 Viewing Router Information
Zone-Based Policy Firewall Status
60 minutes of data polled every 1 minute—Data is reported every 1 minute.
Each tick mark on the horizontal axis of the Dropped Packets and Allowed
Packets graph represents 1 minute.
12 hours of data polled every 12 minutes—Data is reported every 12 minutes.
Each tick mark on the horizontal axis of the Dropped Packets and Allowed
Packets graph represents 12 minutes.
Monitor Policy
Click Monitor Policy to collect firewall data for the selected policy.
Stop Monitoring
Click Stop Monitoring to stop collecting firewall data .
Statistics Area
This area displays the firewall statistics for the selected zone pair. Control the
display in this area by clicking on nodes in the tree on the left hand side. The
following sections describe what you see when you click on each of the nodes.
Active Sessions
Clicking Active Sessions displays the traffic type, source IP address, and
destination IP address for traffic that is inspected in the chose n zone pair.
Dropped Packets
For the chosen zone pair, clicking Dropped Packets displays a graph showing the
cumulative number of dropped packets against the time interval chosen in the
View Interval list. Data is collected on the traffic configured to be dropped and
logged in the Layer 4 policy map.
Allowed Packets
For the chosen zone pair, clicking Allowed Packets displays a graph showing the
cumulative number of allowed packets against the time interval chosen in the
View Interval list. Data is collected on the traffic configured with the pass action
in the Layer 4 policy map.