Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
Chapter3 LAN Wizard
Check the box at the bottom of the screen if you want to log on to the switch
module after providing the information in this wizard and delivering the
configuration to the router.

Configure Gigabit Ethernet Interface

Provide IP address and subnet mask information for Gigabit Ethe rnet interfaces
in this window. For more information on IP addresses and subnet masks, see LAN
Wizard: IP Address and Subnet Mask.
Field Reference
This window provides a summary of the configuration changes that you made for
the interface you selected.
To save this configuration to the router’s running configuration and leave this wizard:
Click Finish. Cisco SDM saves the configuration changes to the router’s running
configuration. Although the changes take effect immediately, they will be lost if
the router is turned off.
If you checked Preview commands before delivering to router in the User
Preferences window, the Deliver window appears. In this window you can view
the CLI commands that you are delivering to the router.
Table3-12 IP Address and Subnet Mask
Element Description
IP Address of Physical
Enter the IP address and subnet mask for the physical Gigabit Ethernet
interface in these fields.
IP Address of VLAN
Provide the IP address and subnet mask for the VLAN subinterfac e that you
want to create on the physical interface. These fields appear if you are
configuring this interface for routing. These fields do not appear if you are
configuring this interface for Integrated Routing and Bridging (IRB).