Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
Chapter8 Create Firewall
Advanced Firewall Configuration Wizard

DMZ Interface

If you configured an Advanced firewall, this area shows you the DMZ interface
you designated, along with its IP address. Underneath, Cisco SDM describes what
access and inspection rules were associated with this interface. The following are
FastEthernet (
Apply CBAC inspection rule to the outbound direction
Apply access rule to the inbound direction to deny all other traffic.
To save this configuration to the router’s running configuration and leave this wizard:
Click Finish. Cisco SDM saves the configuration changes to the router’s running
configuration. The changes will take effect immediately, but will be lost if the
router is turned off.
If you checked Preview commands before delivering to router in the User
Preferences window, the Deliver configuration to router window appears. In this
window, you can view the CLI commands you that are delivering to the router.
SDM Warning: SDM Access
This window appears when you have indicated that Cisco SDM should be able to
access the router from outside interfaces. It informs you that you must ensure that
SSH and HTTPS are configured, and that at least one of the interfaces designated
as outside be configured with a static IP address. To do this, you must ensure that
an outside interface is configured with a static IP address, and then associate a
management policy with that interface.

Determining if an Outside Interface is Configured with a Static IP Address

Complete the following steps to determine if an outside interface is configured
with a static IP address.
Step1 Click Configure > Interfaces and Connections > Edit Interface/Connection.
Step2 Review the IP column in the Interface list table to determine if an outside interface
has a static IP addresses.