Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
Chapter21 Cisco IOS SSL VPN
Editing SSL VPN Connections

Preview Button

Click to see a preview of the portal as it will look with the predefined theme or
custom values you have specified.
Select Color
Click Basic to select a predefined color, or click RGB to create a custom color.


Select the color that you want to use from the palette on the left. The color you
select appears in the large square in the right side of the di alog.


Use the Red, Green, and Blue sliders in combination to create a custom color. The
color you create appears in the large square in the right side of the dialog.
Context: NetBIOS Name Server Lists
View all the NetBIOS name server lists that are configured for the selected
Cisco IOS SSLVPN context in this window. CIFS uses NetBIOS servers to
display the corporate Microsoft Windows file system to Cisco IOS SSL VPN
Each name server list configured for the context is shown in the NetBIOS Name
Server Lists area. Use the Add, Edit, and Delete buttons to manage these lists.
Click a list name to view the contents of the list in the Details of NetBIOS Name
Server area.
Add or Edit a NBNS Server List
Create or maintain a NBNS server list in this window. You must enter a name for
each list that you create, and provide the IP address, timeout and number of retries
to attempt for each server in the list. One server in each list must be designated as
the master server.
Each server in the list is displayed in this dialog, along with its master status,
timeout, and retries values.