Chapter31 Router Properties
Date and Time: Clock Properties
Cisco Router and Security Device Manager 2.5 User’s Guide
Choose the router interface that will provide access to the NTP server. You can
use the show IP routes CLI command to determine which interface has a route to
this NTP server.
Note An extended access rule will be created for port 123 traffic and applied to the
interface that you choose in this window. If an access rule is already in place for
this interface, Cisco SDM will add statements to permit port 123 traffic on this
interface. If the existing rule is a standard access rule, Cisco SDM changes it to
an extended rule in order to be able to specify traffic type and destination.

Authentication Key

Check this box if the NTP server uses an authentication key, and enter the
information required in the fields. The information in these fields must match the
key information on the NTP server.
Key Number
Enter the number for the authentication key. The key number range is 0 to
Key Value
Enter the key used by the NTP server. The key value can use any of the letters A
to Z, uppercase or lowercase, and can be no more than 32 characters.
Confirm Key Value
Reenter the key value to confirm accuracy.
This window is displayed on Cisco 830 routers. The Simple Network Time
Protocol (SNTP) is a less complex version of Network Time Protocol (NTP). NTP
allows routers on your network to synchronize their time settings with an NTP
server. A group of NTP clients that obtain time and date information from a single