For console redirection, an escape sequence starts with an escape character. This character can be entered in a number of different ways, depending on the requirements of your terminal emulation software. For example, 0x1b, ^[, and <Esc> all refer to the same escape character. Some terminal software uses predefined macros to send the proper escape sequences. In HyperTerminal, you can define macros by selecting Key Macros from the View menu. Macros can be assigned to almost any possible key for almost any key combination. Create a macro for each of your function keys. Table
NOTE: When defining macros in HyperTerminal, you must press <Ins> before <Esc> to signify that you are sending an escape sequence rather than escaping out of the dialog box.
Ta b l e 7 - 3 . V T 1 0 0 / 2 2 0 S u p p o r t e d E s c a p e S e q u e n c e s
Key | Supported | Terminal |
| Sequences | Emulation |
Up arrow | <Esc> [ <Shift>a | VT100/220 |
Down arrow | <Esc> [ <Shift>b | VT100/220 |
Right arrow | <Esc> [ <Shift>c | VT100/220 |
Left arrow | <Esc> [ <Shift>d | VT100/220 |
F1 | <Esc> <Shift>op | VT100/220 |
F2 | <Esc> <Shift>oq | VT100/220 |
F3 | <Esc> <Shift>or | VT100/220 |
F4 | <Esc> <Shift>os | VT100/220 |
F5 | <Esc> <Shift>ot | VT100 |
F6 | <Esc> <Shift>ou | VT100 |
| <Esc> [ 1 7 ~ | VT100/220 |
F7 | <Esc> <Shift>ov | VT100 |
| <Esc> [ 1 8 ~ | VT100/220 |
F8 | <Esc> <Shift>ow | VT100 |
| <Esc> [ 1 9 ~ | VT100/220 |
F9 | <Esc> <Shift>ox | VT100 |
| <Esc> [ 2 0 ~ | VT100/220 |
F10 | <Esc> <Shift>oy | VT100 |
| <Esc> [ 2 1 ~ | VT100/220 |