Ta b l e 9 - 1 . Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g I s s u e s


Possible cause





I am getting event errors for

Services for Macintosh are

Bind the AppleTalk protocol

Services for Macintosh.

bound to the onboard network

to an enabled NIC. See


interface card (NIC) by

“AppleTalk Protocol Adapter


default. If this NIC has been



disabled, binding errors will





I configured the system using Kick-Start and I cannot get to the PowerVault NAS Manager using a browser.

The system may not be connected to the network, or the network settings may not be correct.

Check to make sure that the system is connected to the network. If it is, then check to make sure that you entered a correct IP address in the Kick-Start Application Menu. If the problem persists, use the serial port as described in the “Configuring Your System Using a Serial Connection” to access the PowerVault NAS Manager and check that the configuration settings were correct.

From a Macintosh client,

The time is not properly

Make sure that clients have

users cannot modify or delete

synchronized between clients

their time synchronized

a file that a Windows client

and the system.

within ten minutes relative to

has accessed.


the time zone.




I rebooted through the

PowerVault NAS Manager

Close Internet Explorer and

PowerVault NAS Manager

does not automatically refresh

then reconnect to the

from a Macintosh client.

the screen when the NAS

PowerVault NAS Manager.

Several minutes have passed

appliance has finished


and the page has not






I just created a new volume on my system but cannot see the volume on Windows Explorer through Terminal Services.

Terminal Services will not update to show a new volume during the session in which it was created.

Exit from Terminal Services and reconnect. The volume should now be visible.



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Dell 750N. 755N manual Troubleshooting