Dell ActiveArchive™ 6-9
•%s = Second
%i = Instance, which increments once per instance.
•%a = AM/PM
%W = Day of the week
%w = Three letter day of the week
%% = Percent sign
7Click OK to create the persistent image.
Deleting a Persistent Image
1On the NAS Manager primary menu, click Disks, then click ActiveArchive.
2Click Persis tent I mages .
3On the Persis tent I mages p age, click the check box next to the persistent image that is
to be deleted.
4In the Task s list, click Delete.
5Click OK to delete the persistent image.
Setting Persistent Image Retention Weights
To change the retention weight (deletion priority) of a persistent image, you must edit the
persistent image properties by selecting an image from the Pers isten t Imag e page and then
clicking Properties... in the task list.
1On the NAS Manager primary menu, click Disks, and then click ActiveArchive.
2Click Persis tent I mages .
3In the Tasks list, click Properties....
4Select the Retention weight.
5Click OK to update the persistent image.