Dell ActiveArchive™ 6-7
You can use patterns in the persistent image name to differentiate your persistent
images. For example if you use a pattern of Snapshot.%i and you take two
persistent images, you would have Snapshot.1 and Snapshot.2. The default
persistent image name pattern is Snapshot %M-%D-%Y %H.%m.%s. Valid pattern
macros are as follows:
•%M = Month
•%D = Day
•%Y = Year
%h = Hours in 12-hour format
%H = Hours in 24-hour format
•%s = Second
%i = Instance, which increments once per instance.
•%a = AM/PM
%W = Day of the week
%w = Three letter day of the week
%% = Percent sign
5Click OK to save the new scheduled persistent image.
Deleting a Persistent Image Schedule
1On the NAS Manager primary menu, click Disks, then click ActiveArchive.
2Click Schedules.
3On the Schedules page, click the check box next to the scheduled persistent image to
be deleted.
4In the Task s list on the Schedule page, click Delete.
5Click OK to delete the item or Cancel to leave the item intact.
Editing the Properties of a Persistent Image’s Schedule
1On the NAS Manager primary menu, click Disks, then click ActiveArchive.
2Click Schedules.
3In the Task s list on the Schedules page, click Properties...