•Type indicates the share type:
–W = Windows (CIFS)
–F = FTP
–A = Apple (AppleTalk)
–N = NetWare (NCP)
•Comment displays a brief description of the share, if one has been provided.
•Tasks lists the tasks that can be performed for each selected item.
Use this table to select a share, and then click the task you want to perform from the Tasks list (located to the right of the table).
Adding a Share
To create a share, you must supply a share name (the name of the directory on the NAS appliance that is to be shared) that is unique from all other shares on the system. Some protocols also support the inclusion of a comment or brief description of the share.
Additionally, you must enable at least one of the available protocols.
Although a single user interface is provided for creating a share for all protocols, it actually creates a separate share for each protocol. You can remove a share for one protocol without removing the share for the other protocols; however, this process can be quite confusing.
Therefore, it must be done carefully.
NOTICE: Do not create any data shares on the operating system
To add a share, perform the following steps:
1On the NAS Manager primary menu, click Shares.
2In the Tasks list on the Shared Folders page, click New.
3On the General tab, enter the Share Name, Share Path, (and if desired) a brief description of the share in the Comment field.
NOTE: The Comment field is ignored for NFS, FTP, and HTTP shares.
4Check the appropriate box(es) to specify which types of protocols to enable. The available options are: Microsoft Windows (CIFS), UNIX (NFS), Novell NetWare, Apple Macintosh, FTP or HTTP
NAS Manager