Ta b l e 9 - 1 . Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g I s s u e s
Issue | Possible cause | Resolution |
I am looking for a topic on t he | Some sections of the | For information relating to a |
context sensitive online help | PowerVault NAS Manager do | specific function, see the |
in the PowerVault NAS | not have context sensitive | Windows Powered Help, |
Manager, but it says No | help. | which is available by clicking |
Topic Available. |
| Windows Powered Help on |
| the Advanced Administration |
| Menu that is available through |
| Terminal Services, or see the |
| appropriate section in this |
| Administrator’s Guide. |
I cannot see my persistent images.
Persistent images reside in the ActiveArchive directory, which is a hidden folder.
Configure your system to view hidden files and folders.
I cannot take persistent | The cache file is still being |
images of my file system. | created. |
Wait until the cache file is created and then attempt to take the persistent image again. To confirm that the persistent image cache file has been created, check the Status Area of the ActiveArchive section of the PowerVault NAS Manager.
I cannot take persistent | The cache file is full. |
images of my file system. |
Delete one or more persistent images until sufficient space is free in the cache file to create the additional persistent images.
I cannot take a persistent | A persistent image cannot be | Taking a persistent image of |
image of my C: drive. | taken of the C: drive. | the C: drive is not supported. |
I notice that the date and time | The ActiveArchive directory | Take no action. This is the |
for the ActiveArchive directory | date and time are reset at each | normal functionality of Dell |
changes every time I reboot | reboot. The new dates and | ActiveArchive. |
my NAS appliance. | times do not mean that the |
| dates and times of your |
| persistent images have been |
| altered. |