To gain access to the Microsoft Authentication files on the system, perform the following steps:
1Click Chooser on the Macintosh Apple menu.
Ask your system administrator if you are not sure of the zone.
3Select the system from the list of file servers, and click OK.
4Click Registered User or Guest, and then click OK.
5Select the Microsoft UAM Volume, and then click OK.
6Close the Chooser dialog box.
To install the authentication files on the Macintosh workstation, perform the following steps:
3Click Continue in the Installer Welcome screen.
The installer will report whether the installation succeeded.
If the installation has succeeded, Macintosh users of this workstation will be offered Microsoft Authentication when they connect to the system.
Adapter Bindings
FSM can bind to only one network adapter. By default, it is bound to the embedded 10/100TX Network Adapter. To change the binding in systems with multiple network adapters, the AppleTalk Protocol Properties for the network adapter to be used by AppleTalk must be modified to accept inbound connections.
AppleTalk Protocol Adapter Binding
To modify the AppleTalk protocol adapter binding for Filers with multiple network adapters, perform the following steps from the NAS Manager:
1On the NAS Manager primary menu, click Maintenance.
2Click Interfaces.
3Click the radio button next to the adapter you want to use for the AppleTalk protocol.
Advanced Features