w w w . d e l l . c o m s u p p o r t . d e l l . c o m
3Click Restore.
4Click the Redirection tab.
5Click the check box next to Redirect Files.
6Enter the drive letter and path where you want the files to be restored in the text boxes next to Restore to drive and Restore to path.
7Click Run Now to run the restore immediately or click Schedule to schedule your restore job to run at a later time.
Installing Tape Device Drivers for Windows 2000 Backup and Recovery Tools
If you are using Windows 2000 backup and recovery tools, you might need to install drivers for both tape drives and tape media changers.
NOTE: Most of the tape device drivers are located in the c:\dell\drivers directory. However, you should always check the http://support.dell.com website for updated drivers and patches.
Installing Drivers for PowerVault Tape Drives
To install drivers for the PowerVault tape drives, perform the following steps.
1Connect the Dell PowerVault tape device and restart the system.
2Connect to the PowerVault NAS Manager.
3Click Maintenance and then click Terminal Services.
4Log in to a Terminal Services Client session.
5On the Advanced Administration Menu under System Management, click Computer Management.
6Click Computer Management in the left pane.
7Click System Tools in the left pane.
8Click Device Manager in the left pane.
9Click Unknown Devices in the right pane.
10Double-click Unknown Tape Device.
11Click Driver in the
System Recovery, Backup, and Restore