Port Priority and Classification Configuration Commands
Configuring Priority Classification
9-26 Matrix E1 Series (1G58x-09 and 1H582-xx) Configuration Guide set priority classification tosstatusUse this command to enable or disable the ToS value configured in the set priority classification
tosstatus command.
set priority classification tosstatus priority_value data_meaning data_value
[data_mask] {enable | disable}
Syntax Description
Command Defaults
Data masks are required only for classification types requiring a second
data_value. For details, refer to Table 9-1.
Command Type
Switch command.
Command Mode
This example shows how to enable the TOS value configured for the Ethernet Type II IP
classification rule:
priority_value Specifies a port priority (0 through 7) associated with the
classification to be enabled or disabled.
data_meaning Specifies the data_meaning for the parameter used to
classify frames. Refer to Table 9-1 for the list of the
data_meanings and associated protocol types and
data _value Specifies the code of a predefined classifier. The range of
values is dependent on the data_meaning. Refer to
Table 9-1 for the limitations.
data_mask (Optional for most data values) Specifies a value
dependent on the data_value entered. For details, refer to
Table 9-1.
{enable | disable} Enables or disables the ToS parameters entered.
Matrix>set priority classification tosstatus 7 ethernet-II-type IP enable