Security Configuration Command Set
Configuring Secure Shell (SSH)
Matrix E1 Series (1G58x-09 and 1H582-xx) Configuration Guide 14-79 show ssh
Use this command to display the current status and configuration of SSH on the device.
show ssh [ciphers] [config admin | oper] [mac] [sessions]
Syntax Description
Command Type
Switch command.
Command Mode
Command Defaults
If no parameters are specified, SSH status (enabled or disabled) will be displayed.
This example shows how to display SSH status on the device:
This example shows how to display SSH operational configuration settings. In this case, settings
have not been changed from default values:
ciphers (Optional) Displays server supported ciphers.
config admin |
oper (Optional) Displays SSH administration (admin) or
operational (oper) configuration settings.
mac (Optional) Displays all server supported MAC algorithms.
sessions (Optional) Displays information related to SSH sessions.
Matrix>show ssh
Ssh is currently enabled.
Matrix>show ssh config oper
Port 22
MACS anymac
Ciphers anycipher
RekeyIntervalSeconds 3600
LoginGraceTime 60
PasswordGuesses 3