Process Overview: Routing Protocol Configuration
Configuring OSPF
13-60 Matrix E1 Series (1G58x-09 and 1H582-xx) Configuration Guide ip ospf virtual-linksUse this command to display information about the virtual links configured on a router. A virtual
link represents a logical connection between the backbone and a non-backbone OSPF area.
show ip ospf virtual-links
Syntax Description
Command Type
Router command.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC: Matrix>Router#
Command Defaults
Table 13-5 show ip ospf neighbor Output Details
Output What It Displays...
ID Neighbor ’s router ID of the OSPF neighbor.
Pri Neighbor’s priority over this interface.
State Neighbor’s OSPF communication state.
Dead-Int Interval (in seconds) this router will wait without receiving a
Hello packet from a neighbor before declaring the neighbor
is down.
Address Neighbor’s IP address .
Interface Neighbor’s interface (VLAN).