Security Configuration Command Set
Configuring Port Web Authentication (PWA)
14-70 Matrix E1 Series (1G58x-09 and 1H582-xx) Configuration Guide set pwa nameservicesUse this command to enable or disable Domain Name Service (DNS) and Windows Internet
Naming Services (WINS) clients. When disabled, the device will not spoof DNS or WINS on an
un-authenticated port.
set pwa nameservices {enable | disable}
Syntax Description
Command Defaults
Command Type
Switch command.
Command Mode
This example shows how to enable PWA name services: set pwa ipaddressUse this command to set the PWA IP address. This is the IP address of the end station from which
PWA will prevent network access until the user is authenticated. It is bound to the host name
configured in Section
set pwa ipaddress ip-address
Syntax Description
Command Defaults
enable | disable Enables or disables DNS and WINS.
Matrix>set pwa nameservices enable
ip-address Specifies a globally unique IP address. This same value
must be configured into every authenticating switch in
the domain.