Process Overview: Routing Protocol Configuration
Configuring OSPF
Matrix E1 Series (1G58x-09 and 1H582-xx) Configuration Guide 13-53 ip ospf database
Use this command to display the OSPF link state database.
show ip ospf database [link-state-id]
The options for using this syntax are:
show ip ospf database router [link-state-id]
show ip ospf database network [link-state-id]
show ip ospf database summary [link-state-id]
show ip ospf database asbr-summary [link-state-id]
show ip ospf database external [link-state-id]
show ip ospf database nssa-external [link-state-id]
show ip ospf database database-summary
Syntax Description
link-state-id (Optional) Specifies the link state identifier. Valid values
are IP addresses.
router Displays router (Type 1) link state records in their detailed
format. Router records are originated by all routers.
network Displays network (Type 2) link state records in their
detailed format. Network records are originated by
designated routers.
summary Displays summary (Type 3) link state records in their
original format. Summary records are originated by
asbr-summary Displays Autonomous System Border Router (ASBR)
summary (Type 4) link status records in their detail
format. ASBR-summary records are originated by ABRs.
external Displays external (Type 5) link state records. Type 5 link
state records in their detailed format.
nssa-external Displays nssa-external (Type 7) link state records in their
detailed format. Type 7 records are originated by ASBRs.
database-summary Displays a numerical summary of the contents of the link
state database.