Security Configuration Command Set
Configuring Port Web Authentication (PWA)
14-74 Matrix E1 Series (1G58x-09 and 1H582-xx) Configuration Guide
Command Mode
This example shows how to set the PWA guest user password name: pwa gueststatus
Use this command to enable or disable guest networking for port web authentication. When
enhanced mode is enabled (as described in Section, PWA will use a guest password and
guest user name to grant network access with default policy privileges to users without established
login names and passwords.
set pwa gueststatus {authnone | authradius | disable}
Syntax Description
Command Defaults
Command Type
Switch command.
Command Mode
This example shows how to enable PWA guest networking with RADIUS authentication:
Matrix>set pwa guestpassword
Guest Password: *********
Retype Guest Password: *********
authnone Enable s guest networking with no authentication method.
authradius Enables guest networking with RADIUS authentication.
Upon successful authentication from RADIUS, PWA will
apply the policy returned from RADIUS to the PWA port.
disable Disables guest networking.
Matrix>set pwa guestnetworking authradius