Usage Monitor Window
The Usage Monitor window (see Figure
To display the Usage Monitor window, do either of the following:
•If Universal Replicator for z/OS has not been started:
a.Use your Web browser to display the storage device list. In the storage device list, select the storage system to log in. Enter a user name and the password, and then click OK.
The Storage Navigator main window is displayed.
Note: For detailed instructions on this step, please refer to Storage Navigator User’s Guide.
b.Click Go, Universal Replicator for z/OS and then Usage Monitor on the menu bar of the Storage Navigator main window.
URz starts and the Usage Monitor window is displayed.
•If Universal Replicator for z/OS has already been started:
Select the Usage Monitor tab.
The Usage Monitor window is displayed.
Figure 4-8 Usage Monitor Window
Chapter 4 Using the Universal Replicator for z/OS GUI |