•Cancel: Cancels settings in the Preview list.
Note: Information on the Pair Operation window will be updated when you do one of the following:
2.Select another tab and then reselect the Pair Operation tab.
3.Click File, Refresh on the menu bar of the Storage Navigator main window.
4.Select the Apply button.
5.Select modify mode when you are in view mode.
6.Update the Display Filter window.
7.Click the Previous button or the Next button.
DKC Operation Window
To configure storage systems and logical paths, use the DKC Operation window.
To display the DKC Operation window, do either of the following:
•If Universal Replicator for z/OS has not been started:
a.Use your Web browser to display the storage device list. In the storage device list, select the storage system to log in. Enter a user name and the password, and then click OK.
The Storage Navigator main window is displayed.
Note: For detailed instructions on this step, please refer to Storage Navigator User’s Guide.
b.Click Go, Universal Replicator for z/OS and then DKC Operation on the menu bar of the Storage Navigator main window.
URz starts and the DKC Operation window is displayed.
•If Universal Replicator for z/OS has already been started:
1.Select the DKC Operation tab.
The DKC Operation window is displayed.
Note: DKC is an acronym for disk controller, which controls an entire storage system. URz windows use the word "DKC" to indicate a storage system. LDKC is an acronym for logical disk controller, and it also may be called logical DKC. LDKC is a controller that controls the logical storage system that exists in USP V. The term “LDKC” indicates logical storage system in the Universal Replicator for z/OS window.
Chapter 4 Using the Universal Replicator for z/OS GUI |