•URz Pair Status
The URz Suspending and Deleting (release) transitional states occur when a request to change URz pair status has been accepted, but the change to the requested status (suspended, or simplex) is not yet complete. These states are not reported to the host. In the case of Suspending, both the user and the primary storage system can request the status change. In the case of Deleting (release), only the user can request the status change. If the user requested the status change, the final status is reported at the end of the transition. If an error caused the status to change to suspended, the suspended status is reported at the beginning of the transition.
After a storage system receives a request for splitting or releasing a pair in Flush mode, the status of the pair will remain Suspending or Deleting until the journal in the master journal group is restored into the restore journal group and the pair is completely split or released. To calculate the time during which the pair remains Suspending or Deleting, use the following equation:
C⋅ (u ⎟ 100) ⋅ 1,024 ⎟ V (The unit is seconds) where:
–C is the total capacity of the master journal volume. The unit is megabytes.
–u is the usage rate of data in the master journal volume. The unit is percent.
–V is the data transfer speed between the primary and the secondary storage system. The unit is MB/s (megabytes per second).
To find the usage rate of a journal volume, use the monitoring feature (see Usage Monitor Window).
The URz SEQCHK status is indicated when a URz pair assigned to a consistency group with the System timer type accepts a
–An application may issue update I/Os bypassing the MVS standard I/O procedure.
–The I/O
–This URz pair status describes:
•URz suspend types (see the next section),
•URz suspension condition (see section Suspension Condition).
Chapter 3 Preparing for Universal Replicator z/OS Operations |