You can remove journal groups from an extended consistency group anytime, regardless of the status of the journal groups. Also, if you delete all data volumes from a journal group in an extended consistency group, the journal group will automatically be removed from the extended consistency group.
Removal of journal groups from an extended consistency group does not stop remote copy operations, but does affect consistency in data update sequence. In the example in Figure
Write data
Primary host |
Primary EXCTG | Secondary EXCTG |
Journal group 1 | Journal group 1 |
Primary data | Secondary data |
volume | volume |
Master JNL VOL | Restore JNL VOL |
Primary subsystem 1 | Secondary subsystem 1 |
Journal group 2 | Journal group 2 |
Primary data | Secondary data |
volume | volume |
Master JNL VOL | Restore JNL VOL |
Primary subsystem 2 | Secondary subsystem 2 |
Journal group 3 | Journal group 3 |
Primary data | Secondary data |
volume | volume |
Master JNL VOL | Restore JNL VOL |
Primary subsystem 3 | Secondary subsystem 3 |
Figure 7-2 Example 1: Remote Copy Operations Among Three Primary Storage Systems and Three Secondary Storage Systems
Chapter 7 Using Extended Consistency Groups |