Adapting the HP-GL/2 Coordinate System to


Match the PCL System


The following example uses the IP and SC commands to change


HP-GL/2 coordinate system to match the default PCL coordinate


system. The IP command is used to invert the Y-axis so that the Y


values increase as the pen moves down the page. The SC command


equates user-units to dot positions (300 dots-per-inch). The example


draws a few lines in both PCL and HP-GL/2 modes to demonstrate


that the coordinate systems are lined up correctly (the end points of


the lines intersect).




Sending an IN (Initialize) or DF (Default) command causes the


coordinate system to revert to the HP-GL/2 default.


Since this example is based on the default top margin and text length,


changing the top margin or the text length moves the two coordinate


systems out of alignment.



Table 19-5 Example: Adapting the HP-GL/2 Coordinate System

to Match the PCL System in Portrait Orientation




Reset the printer.


Set the page size to letter.


Specify portrait orientation.


Set top margin to 0.


Move to position (0,0).


Set picture frame to 8’’ x 11’’ (size of


logical page).




Set picture frame anchor point to


current PCL cursor position (0,0).




Enter HP-GL/2 mode with the HP-GL/2


cursor or pen at the PCL cursor






Using Scaling Effectively 19-15

Page 429
Image 429
HP 5961-0509 manual Adapting the HP-GL/2 Coordinate System to, Match the PCL System