File – Import – Digitizer – Easy Align

7 Click the [Scan] button.


The program takes the scan and displays the


resulting color image in the work window area


on the left of the dialog. It also automatically


detects the markers, and displays a single


character (0 to 9 or A to Y) for each “marker


ID” (0 to 34) in each location at which a marker


was detected.


If the program determines that the scanned


Chapter 2

data is good enough for alignment processing,


the condition bar (under the work window) be-


comes blue and displays the “Good condition”



message. If the program determines that the


scan results are not good enough for align-


ment, the condition bar turns red and displays


“No good”.

8 Ifspondences.necessary, adjust the marker corre-


If the condition bar (under the work window) is red, this means that the data is not yet suitable for alignment. Adjust the marker correspondences and take other steps as necessary until the bar becomes blue.



On the color image, areas that have no distance data are displayed as black.

When [Auto Marker Detection] checkbox is un- checked, the automatic marker detection will not be carried out.

As an alternative to taking the scan at this time, you can import a saved scan (CDM file) that was previously taken with the VIVID 910. Just click the [Import] button and load the appropriate file.

If any of the detected marker IDs does not match the corresponding marker on the actual object, correct as follows: right-click the marker ID on the image, and then enter the correct marker ID at the dialog that opens.

If any of the marker IDs displayed on the previ- ously stored image (the image stored at step 9 be- low) does not match the corresponding marker ID displayed on the image scanned at step 7 above, correct as follows: Left-click the mismatched ID in either of these two images, and then left-click on the correct corresponding marker ID in the other image. The program will change the IDs so that they are identical.

To set up a “new” marker ID on images from

Step 7 on Step 9 in a location where there was no physical marker on the object (or where the program failed to detect a marker), left-click the corresponding points in the two images. The program will display a marker ID of “∗” at these points.