5 Click the [Import] button.

The data will be imported and displayed in the element view window. The names of the imported elements will also appear in the element list, indicating that the elements have been selected (highlighted).

File – Import – Elements

When importing data, if you want to perform dark correction for color data, check the [Dark Correc- tion] checkbox.

When importing data, if you want to perform log correction for color data, check the [Log Correc- tion] checkbox.

The loaded data will be ready to be displayed in all windows. It will be displayed in the active window and the windows for which all the ele-

ments are set to be displayed.

Chapter 2

• When the data is loaded for the first time after the



software is started, it will be fully framed in all



the windows including those that are hidden.


In the case of data acquired using the File – Im- port – Digitizer – Step Scan command, each data will be subjected to registration when the file is opened, and then the resulting data will be displayed. A dialog box will also appear asking whether you want to perform fine-registration. q Click the [OK] button.

Fine-registration will be performed.


A progress bar will be displayed during loading.
