Coordinate conversion will be performed.

Build – Move – To X-Y-Z

5 Save the coordinate system.

If you selected [Point/Point/Point]:

• Once you have extracted the three points, the

program displays the input design values and the standard deviations of the extracted points. Click [Yes] to continue.

Click [No] if you wish to re-enter the design values.

If you selected [Face/Point/Point], [Face/Point/

Chapter 2

Line], [Face/Line/Line]:

You can use the [Reverse] button to invert the normal vector of the face that you extracted in Step 4 above. If you select [Reverse], the program will invert the face, recalculate the coordinate system, and then redraw the display accordingly.

6 Click the right mouse button. The [Question] dialog box will appear.

7 Click the [OK] button.

Parameters for [Build-Move-To X-Y-Z] Dialog Box


You set up a new coordinate system by extracting three points, one at a time, from among the


selected points. The program generates the origin and axes of the new coordinate system based on


the coordinate positions and design values of the three extracted points.


Extracts a face and two points from the selected points sequentially to set a new coordinate sys-


tem. Two axes and origin on the face are calculated based on the attribute of face and the coordi-


nate/design values of the extracted points to generate a new coordinate system.


Extracts a face, point, and line (in that order) from the selected points set. Calculates the origin


or the new coordinate system based on the face attribute and the coordinate/design values of the


extracted points; determines a single axis from the extracted line attribute; and generates the new


coordinate system accordingly.


Extracts a face and two lines from the selected points sequentially to set a new coordinate system.


The origin and two axes are calculated based on the attribute of face and two lines to generate a


new coordinate system.

Build Menu
