4 When a dialog for specifying the desired driver search method appears, check the “Search for the best driver in these locations.” radio button, clear any other checkbox for specifying the loca- tion, and then click “Next”.

5 If a dialog with the message “Cannot Install this Hardware” appears, check the “Don’t prompt me again to install this software.” checkbox and then click “Finish”.

6 Start the device manager to confirm whether or not the VIVID digitizer has been properly recognized by the com- puter.

Right-click the “My Computer” icon and select “Properties” in the popup menu. When the “System” dialog appears, click “Device Man- ager” in the “Hardware” tab.

Alternately, open the “Control Panel” from the “Start” menu, double-click the “System” icon to display the “System Properties” dialog, and then click “Device Manager” in the “Hardware” tab.

If the name showing the VIVID digitizer such as “VIVID XXX Scanner Device” appears in the “Other devices” section, recognition of the digitizer has been completed.

Chapter 1



marks may be displayed on the device icon. This is not a problem.