Panasonic NN-CT569M manual En-50, Marbled Salmon and Spinach Terrine, Aubergine Caviar, Olive Loaf

Models: NN-CT559W NN-CT569M

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Marbled Salmon and Spinach Terrine

Cooking time: 15 min

6-8 people - MICROWAVE

Container: 1 Pyrex® loaf tin, 22-25 cm long


500 g spinach, defrosted (6 min on MAX), 2 tbsp cream,

4 salmon fillets (approximately 700 g), 4 eggs, salt, pepper.

Spread the fillets out on a plate, cover and cook on MAX for approximately 3 minutes (they should only just be cooked), cut them into 2, putting the thickest pieces to one side to later place end-to-end in the tin. Flake the thinner pieces in a bowl and mix with the drained spinach, cream, well- beaten eggs, salt and pepper. Grease the tin well with butter. Pour in half the spinach mixture. Season the fillet pieces well and place them in the tin close together, end-to- end. Cover with the remaining spinach mixture. Cover the tin with cling film and cook in the microwave at MAX for 4 minutes, then take it out, wrap aluminium foil around the 2 to 3 cm from the ends of the tin and continue cooking at 250W for 8 to 10 minutes. Allow the dish to cool without the cling film then place in the fridge. The terrine can be served in slices, with a tomato coulis or with cream cheese with herbs and lemon juice.

Aubergine Caviar

Cooking time: 16 - 18 min

4 people - MICROWAVE

Container: 1 round Pyrex® cake tin, 22 cm diameter

1 large onion,

Finely chop the onion and sweat in 5 tbsp of olive oil,

2 plump aubergines (approx. 500 g),

covered, at MAX for 3 minutes. Add the washed and diced

5 cloves of garlic, salt, pepper,

aubergines and the peeled and crushed garlic. Cook at

200 g of cream cheese or yoghurt

MAX for 13 to 15 min. Start cooking with the dish covered.

(optional), olive oil.

Halfway through take out the dish, stir and complete the


cooking with the dish uncovered, to ensure that the water

from the vegetables evaporates. Blend the mixture in a food processor and check the seasoning. The caviar is perfect for canapés; if it is too strong, you can add 200 g of yoghurt or cream cheese to the mixture.

Olive Loaf

Cooking time: approx. 36 min

Container: metal loaf tin, 28-30 cm

250 g flour,

1 sachet of yeast,

120 ml olive oil,

100 ml white wine, 4 eggs,

200 g green pitted olives,

200 g thick ham,

150 g gruyère cheese.


Mix together the flour and yeast with the oil and white wine. Add the eggs one by one then the olives, cubed ham and grated cheese. Grease the tin with butter and line it, then fill with the mixture. Place on the Metal Tray and cook for 35 to 38 minutes on Combination mode: CONVECTION HEATING 200°C+ 100W, protecting the top of the loaf with a sheet of baking paper held in place with toothpicks after the first 15 to 16 minutes. Serve the loaf in slices or cut into small cubes for canapés.


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Panasonic NN-CT569M, NN-CT559W manual En-50, Marbled Salmon and Spinach Terrine, Aubergine Caviar, Olive Loaf