Panasonic NN-CT569M, NN-CT559W En-60, Porcini Mushroom Risotto, Jerusalem Artichokes, Tartiflette

Models: NN-CT559W NN-CT569M

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Porcini Mushroom Risotto

Cooking time: 25 min

4 people - MICROWAVE

Container: 1 Pyrex® casserole dish with lid, 3 litre capacity, and 1 bowl

40 g dried porcini mushrooms,

Soak the mushrooms in 400 ml warm water for at least 2

50 g butter,

hours (preferably overnight). Put the chopped onion and

1 garlic clove,

butter into a bowl. Cover and cook for 3 minutes on MAX.

1 onion,

Add the rice and mix. Cover and cook for 3 more minutes

250 g arborio rice,

on MAX. Then add the peeled and crushed garlic, the

500 ml hot water with 1

vegetable stock and the water used to soak the

vegetable stock cube added,

mushrooms. Cover and cook for 5 minutes on MAX, then for

12 basil leaves,

15 mintues on 250W. Chop the mushrooms into pieces and


add them 5 minutes before the end of the cooking time. If


need be, add a few spoonfuls of water. Season and leave to


stand, covered, for at least 10 minutes before stirring with a


fork and serving.

Jerusalem Artichokes

Cooking time: 15 min

4 people - MICROWAVE

Container: 1 Pyrex® dish, 22 cm diameter

At least 1 kg Jerusalem

Wash and peel the Jerusalem artichokes. Cut them into 2 or


3 pieces. Peel and chop the shallots. Sweat them in a knob

2 shallots,

of butter, covered, for 3 minutes on MAX. Add the

2 slices of Parma ham,

Jerusalem artichokes and 3 tbsp of water. Cover with cling


film and cook on MAX for 11 to 13 minutes. Check the

parsley, salt, pepper.

seasoning and add a pinch of chopped parsley and the


parma ham, cut into small pieces, before serving.


Cooking time: approx. 35 min


Container: 1 Pyrex® dish, 25 cm diameter

1.3 kg potatoes,

Peel the potatoes, cut them into thick slices, add 10 tbsp of

200 g smoked bacon pieces,

water and cook on MAX for 18 minutes, stirring halfway

1 onion,

through. Drain and set aside. Place the bacon pieces on a

500 g reblochon cheese, rind

plate, cover and cook for 2 minutes 30 seconds on MAX.


Drain. Peel and chop the onion. Put it in a bowl and cook,

100 ml white wine.

covered, for 2 minutes on MAX.


In the dish mix together the potatoes, onion, bacon pieces


and one third of the reblochon, cut into pieces. Season and

add the white wine. Top with the remaining reblochon, cut into long thick slices. Place on the Metal Tray and cook on Combination mode: CONVECTION HEATING 200°C + 250W, for 15 to 17 minutes. (or Combination mode + 600 W if the dish has been prepared in advance and left to cool).


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Panasonic NN-CT569M, NN-CT559W manual En-60, Porcini Mushroom Risotto, Jerusalem Artichokes, Tartiflette