How to cook with microwaves
Cover fish, vegetables, soups and stews. Leave cakes, sauces and potatoes (skin on) uncovered. Like in traditional cooking, moisture evaporates during microwave cooking. Cover the container with the suitable lid or with cling film.
Stirring and turning
When cooking large quantities, it is often necessary to stir the food during the cooking process in order to move the food from the edge of the dish towards the middle and vice versa. Large pieces of meat or poultry should be turned
Initial temperature | Size and shape of container |
The colder the food is to begin with, the longer the cooking or reheating will take. Leftover food kept at room temperature will be reheated more quickly than leftover food taken straight from the refrigerator.
Microwaves cook more effectively if food is placed in a round dish rather than a rectangular or square one. The same quantity of food will cook more quickly in a wide dish than in a tall narrow one. Follow the instructions given in the recipes. Cooking times vary significantly depending on the size and shape of the containers used.