System Management Commands
Country | Code | Country | Code | Country | Code | Country | Code |
Belize | BZ | Hong Kong | HK | Monaco | MC | Syria | SY |
Bolivia | BO | Hungary | HU | Morocco | MA | Taiwan | TW |
Brazil | BR | Iceland | IS | Netherlands | NL | Thailand | TH |
Brunei | BN | India | IN | New Zealand | NZ | Turkey | TR |
Darussalam |
Bulgaria | BG | Indonesia | ID | Norway | NO | Ukraine | UA |
Canada | CA | Iran | IR | Oman | OM | United Arab | AE |
| Emirates |
Chile | CL | Ireland | IE | Pakistan | PK | United | GB |
| Kingdom |
China | CN | Israel | IL | Panama | PA | United | US |
| States |
Colombia | CO | Italy | IT | Peru | PE | Uruguay | UY |
Costa Rica | CR | Japan | JP | Philippines | PH | Venezuela | VE |
Croatia | HR | Jordan | JO | Poland | PL | Vietnam | VN |
Cyprus | CY | Kazakhstan | KZ | Portugal | PT |
Czech | CZ | North | KP | Puerto Rico | PR |
Republic |
| Korea |
Denmark | DK | Korea | KR | Qatar | QA |
| Republic |
Default Setting
US - for units sold in the United States
99 (no country set) - for units sold in other countries
Command Mode
Command Usage
•If you purchased an wireless bridge outside of the United States, the country code must be set before radio functions are enabled.
•The available Country Code settings can be displayed by using the country ? command.