Job ticket options | Guide to Printing Using Xerox Production Print Services |
Saved jobs may be reprinted in one of the following ways:
•Without changing any of the saved job ticket parameters
•Changing one or more saved job ticket parameters
NOTE: Different network software modifies the reprint job name to fit various naming conventions. In most cases, in order to reprint a job from a DOS or Windows client, the Save Preferences on the DocuSP controller must have the File Server Type set to [PC]. Refer to your Print Service Operator Guide for more information.
Reprinting without changing the job ticket parameters
When the job is saved, a job ticket is created and saved also. All of the parameters that were set in the job ticket when the job was saved are set in the saved job ticket. When the job ticket is saved, a .jt extension is added to the end of the file name. If the [Save Preferences] field is set to [PC File Server Type], the job decomp.ps is saved as DECOMP.jt.
1.In the [Document] field on the XDS window, enter or browse to locate and display the name of the document that will be reprinted. If the save directory is the default save location that was set at the DocuSP controller, then entering the source directory path is not necessary. If a source directory that is different from the default save directory was selected, enter the directory path to the save location.
NOTE: The source directory and file names are case sensitive and must be identical to the name of the file that was submitted to be saved. Note that some network gateway software changes the case to all lowercase or all uppercase.
2.Select the [Reprint] check box. A message appears, informing you that the job ticket settings that were saved with the job will be used.
3.In the message window, select [OK] to proceed with reprinting.
4.Select [Setup] to open the Setup window.
NOTE: When [Reprint] is selected in the Xerox Document Submission window, all of the job ticket parameters are set to either the system defaults or to [Printer Default].
5.Ensure that the number of copies that will be printed matches the number of copies that were specified for the reprint job, then select [OK].