9.Job ticket options
This chapter contains the procedures for printing a document using the XDS and XDS Plus software on a Xerox printing system from your computer running Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows Millennium, XP, or a Sun workstation that is running Solaris 2.6 or 2.8. From a Macintosh OS 8.6, 9.x, or OS in Classic Mode when running XDS. When running XDS Plus, a Macintosh using OS X Native mode must be used. The Xerox Document Submission (XDS), the Xerox Document Submission Plus (XDS Plus) software, the Xerox Custom drivers, and the DocuSP Web Client provide you with windows you use to select a document file, to set up the job ticket, and to submit your print job to the printer.
Setting up a print job
To set up a print job, you specify parameters that define the appearance and destination of the printed output.
The Setup window enables you to specify the parameters for the job that you are printing. On the Setup window, job setup specification tasks may be accessed from icon buttons on the icon bar, the
Printer Limitations window
If the current job ticket contains parameters that are not available on the selected printer, the Printer Limitations window will appear. On this window you can assign defaults to the indicated areas, or cancel the operation. Select [Assign Defaults] to make changes to the current job ticket, or select [Cancel the Operation] to cancel. If you cancel, you return to the startup XDS window and can select a different printer, or select a new job ticket.
NOTE: Printer Limitations is not available on Macintosh systems.