Printing a job using the DocuSP web interface Guide to Printing Using Xerox Production Print Services
Specifying a page range for printing
To specify a range of pages that will be printed, follow these steps:
1.On the Job Submission window, scroll until the [Quantity] field is visible.
2.Do one of the following:
•Select the [All] radio button if you want to print all the pages in the document.
•Select the [From/To] radio button if you want to specify a range of pages to print. The default range of pages is 1 - 99999.
In the [From] field, enter the first page number that you want to print; and in the [To] field, enter the last page number. The [All] radio button must be deselected before you can enter numbers in these fields.
NOTE: The value in the [From] field must be less than or equal to the value in the [To] field.
Specifying the main stock for the job
The main stock is the stock on which most of the job is printed. Follow these steps to specify a stock that will be used for all pages in the job that are not programmed to use one of the other available stocks.
The Main Paper Stock
Follow these steps to select the main stock for your job:
1.From the Main Paper Stock
NOTE: Unless you specifically want to print a smaller image on a larger sheet of paper, or a larger image on a smaller sheet of paper, ensure that the paper size that is specified in the application matches the paper size in the job ticket.
2.If the desired stock does not appear on the menu, select the [Stocks...] button next to the Main Paper Stock menu to display a list of all stocks that have been enabled for your printer.