Chapter 16 General Device Setup
Figure 151
The following table describes the labels in this screen. Refer to Section 11.2.4 on page 132 for other field descriptions.
Table 79
Enable | This field displays whether queue management is activated or not. |
MaxQueues | This field displays the maximum number of queues on the device. |
MaxClassificationEnt | This field displays the maximum number of entries in the classification table. |
ries |
ClassificationNumbe | This field displays the number of entries currently in the classification table. |
rOfEntries |
MaxAppEntries | This field displays the maximum number of entries in the application table. |
AppNumberOfEntrie | This field displays the number of entries currently in the application table. |
s |
MaxFlowEntries | This field displays the maximum number of entries in the flow table. |
FlowNumberOfEntrie | This field displays the number of entries currently in the flow table. |
s |
MaxPolicerEntries | This field displays the maximum number of entries in the policer table. |
PolicerNumberOfEnt | This field displays the number of entries currently in the policer table. |
ries |
MaxQueueEntries | This field displays the maximum number of entries in the queue table. |
QueueNumberOfEnt | This field displays the number of entries currently in the queue table. |
ries |
DefaultForwardingP | This field displays the index number of the forwarding policy table associated to |
olicy | the traffic. |
DefaultPolicer | This field displays the index number of the default policer table for traffic without |
| a specified classifier. |
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Vantage Access User’s Guide | |