Chapter 36 Alert Setting

Figure 529 Monitor Manager: Disk Space Monitor: Disk Space View

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 327 Monitor Manager: Disk Space Monitor: Disk Space View



Disk Monitor Type

This displays the Vantage Access component name.



Disk Monitor IP

This displays the IP address of the Linux system which your database or


BED is on.



Disk Size

This displays the total disk space.



Disk Used Size

This displays the amount of disk space currently in use.



TR069_DB Size

This displays the size of the TR-069 database.



TR069_BED Size

This displays the size of the TR-069 BED.



TR069_HTTPD Size

This displays the size of the TR-069 Hyper Text Transfer Protocol






This displays the size of all files in the temp directory.



Disk Used chart

This displays the percentage of the disk used by the specified component.



36.5 The Statistical Report Screen

Use this screen to configure the frequency and destination e-mail address of the statistical reports Vantage Access sends. These reports include information on the total number of devices, the number of registered devices, and the change in the total number of devices (and registered devices) in a given time period.

Click Monitor Manager > Statistical Report. The following screen displays.



Vantage Access User’s Guide