Chapter 36 Alert Setting

3Click a category under Log Type and click the corresponding Alert button to select the log.

4Specify one or more email addresses to which the Vantage Access sever sends email alerts. Select the email address(es) from the Email Pool box and click Add ->.

To remove an email address, select the address in the Email List box and click <- Remove.

To remove an email address from the Email Pool box, select the address and click Delete.

To add a new email address, enter the address in the New Email field and click Add New Email. A new entry displays in the Email Pool box.

5Click Apply to save the changes.

36.3The Disk Space Monitor Screen

Use this screen to edit the maximum percentage of disk space that may be used.

Click Monitor Manager > Disk Space Monitor > Monitor Setting. The following screen displays.

Figure 528 Monitor Manager: Disk Space Monitor: Monitor Setting

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 326 Monitor Manager: Disk Space Monitor: Monitor Setting



Define the range of the

Enter the maximum percentage of the disk that may be used.

max allowed disk space





Click this to save your changes to the Define the range of the max


allowed disk space field.


Click this to return the Define the range of the max allowed disk space


field to its last-saved value.



36.4 The Disk Space View Screen

Use this screen to view statistics about the amount of disk space used by Vantage Access’s components.

Click Monitor Manager > Disk Space Monitor > Disk Space View. The following screen displays.



Vantage Access User’s Guide