Chapter 29 Vendor Configuration File

29.3 Backing up Device Configuration Files

Use the Backup screen to back up the current configuration of a device to the download server. After you have backed up a configuration file, an entry is created in the Backup screen.

1Log into Vantage Access using a manager account and click the File Manager icon in the control panel.

2Select a device in the Device List window.

3Click Vendor Config File > Backup.

4A screen displays as shown.

Figure 500 File Manager: Vendor Config File: Backup

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 303 File Manager: Vendor Config File: Backup



Upload File To Local

Select this to upload the vendor config file to the download server.



File Name

Enter the name of the file you want to upload.



Upload File To Remote

Select this to upload the vendor config file to a URL.




Enter the URL to which you want to upload the file.



User Name

Enter a server user name, if required by the upload server.




Enter a server password, if required by the upload server.



Connection Request

Select this if you want Vantage Access to send a connection request prior


to uploading the file.


Note: This feature is not available when you are


upgrading a group’s files.

Delay Seconds

If you want Vantage Access to wait a short period before uploading the file,


enter the number of seconds to wait here.



Enable Scheduled

Select this to have Vantage Access upload the file at a point in the future, or


at a regular interval.



Vantage Access User’s Guide