Chapter 23 STB Service

Figure 455 TR-135: STBService: ServiceMonitoring: MainStream Sample VideoDecoder

The following table describes the fields in this screen. Refer to Section 11.2.4 on page 132 for other field descriptions.

Table 272 TR-135: STBService: ServiceMonitoring: MainStream Sample VideoDecoder




This displays the number of seconds during which video content data was


collected for this AV stream, during the sample interval.




This displays the frame rate at which the STB plays the video content for this


AV stream, during the sample interval.




This displays the number of video frames that were decoded completely


(errorless frames) or partially (corrupted frames) for this AV stream, during the


sample interval.




This displays the number of video frames that could not be reproduced by the


STB for this AV stream, during the sample interval.




This displays the number of video frames (for this AV stream, during the


sample interval) reproduced by the STB for which information was missing


and loss concealment was applied.




This displays the number of I frames that were decoded completely or partially


for this AV stream, during the sample interval.




This displays the number of I frames that could not be reproduced by the STB,


for this AV stream, during the sample interval.




This displays the number of I frames (for this AV stream, during the sample


interval) reproduced by the STB for which information was missing and loss


concealment was applied.




This displays the number of P frames that were decoded completely or


partially for this AV stream, during the sample interval.




This displays the number of P frames that could not be reproduced by the


STB, for this AV stream, during the sample interval.





Vantage Access User’s Guide