Chapter 28 Device Firmware Maintenance

Figure 493 File Manager: Device Firmware: Management

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 300 File Manager: Device Firmware: Management



Entries Per

Select how many entries you want to display in a page.






Select this option and click Delete to remove the device firmware file from the


download server.


Click Select All to select all entries in this screen.



File Name

This field displays the descriptive firmware name for identification purposes.



Dev Type

This field displays the model name for which this firmware is intended.



SW Version

This field displays the device firmware version number.




Click Add to save a firmware file.




Click Delete to remove the selected firmware file(s).



28.2.1 Adding a New Device Firmware

The Add Firmware screen allows you to add a new device firmware to the server (specified in the Download Server screen).

Figure 494 File Manager: Device Firmware: Management: Add Adding Firmware from a Local Source

Take the following steps to add firmware from a local souce, such as you management computer.

1Log into Vantage Access using a manager account and click the File Manager icon in the control panel.

2Click Device Firmware > Firmware Management and click Add to display the Add Firmware screen.



Vantage Access User’s Guide